Case study #3

46-year-old man with chronic fatigue, diarrhea and depression, who feels congested all the time

Relevant history
  • Weight gain over the past 5 years
  • Stress from work and the pandemic
  • Craves sugar and never feels energized
Lifestyle overview

Sleep: Sleeps well but never feels rested.

Water: Does not drink very much water. Likes energy drinks in the afternoon.

Brain: Feels foggy all the time. Can’t focus and feels overwhelmed and depressed.

Exercise: None.

Oral: No major dental history.

Digestion and bowel movements: Bloating and diarrhea.

Nutrition: Eats cereal for breakfast. Eats crackers, cookies and other processed carbs regularly.


Complete food GI-Map, food sensitivity testing and medical labs

GI-Map findings:

  • High levels of Candida
  • Elevated opportunistic bacteria
  • Low elastase
  • Elevated steatocrit (fat in stool)
  • Low secretory IgA

Vibrant Food Sensitivity findings:
Sensitive to gluten, dairy, corn, soy, potatoes, rice and pineapple

Medical labs:

  • Low vitamin D
  • Elevated cholesterol
  • Elevated homocysteine
  • Elevated liver enzymes
  • Begin vitamin D 5000 IU/day, methylfolate complex to reduce homocysteine and soluble fiber to reduce cholesterol
  • Begin ClearVite-CLA to support liver (if liver enzymes have not reduced in 90 days, see primary care provider for referral for liver ultrasound)
  • Treat Candida with Candibactin-AR and Candibactin-BR plus saccharomyces Boulardii
  • Broad spectrum probiotic
  • Panplex pancreatic enzymes (2 at each meal) and one Bio-6-Plus tablet for fat digestion
  • Colostrum to increase secretory IgA (2 per day)
  • Remove all food sensitivities
Outcome after 90 days
  • Weight loss of 30 pounds
  • Energy is consistent all day
  • Congestion is down 75%
  • Diarrhea resolved
  • Depression has subsided
  • Liver enzymes, homocysteine and vitamin D are in normal ranges