Case study #1

60-year-old woman with intermittent, severe diarrhea and bloating that lasts 3-6 weeks at a time

Relevant history
  • Severe food and environmental allergies since childhood.
  • Experienced asthma, exercise-induced asthma, sore throats and tonsillitis.
  • Took birth control from teen years through her 20s to control menstrual symptoms, which can significantly alter the microbiome.
  • History of severe joint swelling that incapacitated her in her 20s, but the cause was never found. It resolved on its own.
  • Traveled internationally as an adult and had one bout of severe diarrhea and stomach upset in France, for which she was seen in the ER.
Lifestyle overview

Sleep: Sleeps well yet sometimes wakes up feeling like she did not get into a deep sleep.

Water: Drinks 80+ ounces of water per day.

Brain: Brain health is good, and she is still working. Occasional name loss (famous person, not family member).

Exercise: Briskly walks 4 miles per day, 5 days per week. Occasional weight lifting.

Oral: Has teeth cleaned 3 times per year due to plaque on the back of front teeth. Had one root canal a few years ago due to a filling from early years that was too old. No wisdom teeth.

Digestion and bowel movements: Color is normal but small amounts. Having 1 bowel movement per day but incomplete (series of round, large marble size). She does not eat a lot; 1400 calories per day. Eats plenty of fiber. Has continued chia and flax everyday in smoothie since doing the Spring Detox.

Nutrition: Avoids dairy. Acidic food like coffee and tomatoes seem to be a trigger. Favorite food is bagels, but she has avoided since she did my 5-day detox during which symptoms resolved.


Complete GI-Map stool test to rule out infection

GI-Map findings:

  • Elevated opportunistic bacteria
  • Candida (2 strains)
  • Low elastase
  • Low secretory IgA
  • Candibactin-BR and Candibactin-AR (take one of each 3 times per day with meals)
  • Broad spectrum probiotic
  • PanPlex pancreatic enzymes at each meal (1 per meal)
  • Colostrum (2 times per day to increase secretory IgA)
  • Follow an anti-mold diet as much as possible for the next 3 months to reduce Candida levels
  • Complete reversal of symptoms
  • Healthy bowel movements
  • Clear thinking
  • Increased energy